Découvrez l'interview de Lemmie Van Den Berg pour "F is for ...", la nouvelle plateforme Fendi par et pour les jeunes.
1. Hi Lemmie, tell us why are you a FREAK?
[Bursts out laughing] Why am I a freak? Because… It’s a funny question.
[Thinks hard] Whenever I’m with my friends or family, I scream weird stuff, but like, making really random noises and they look at me like ‘What the heck?!’. I just act crazy like that!
2. In Italian the word FULGORE means brightness, amazing happiness.
How would you describe today in the sign of FULGORE using only 3 words?
Easy, chilled, relaxed.
3. If today were a song, which song would it be?
Something beach-like, retro. I’m so bad at coming up with these things. Ok. Jimi Hendrix ‘Hey Baby (New Rising Sun)’. I really like it.
4. What if Rome were a colour and why?
I think it would be orange and a bit of green.
5. Snap your fingers and make someone get here right now… who would it be and why?
My girlfriend.
6. What about someone famous, someone you’ve always wanted to meet?
Justin Bieber. Just kidding The rapper A$AP Rocky.
7. F is For…
8. Boy: Online dating or offline night out?
Offline night out for sure.